Sunday, November 27, 2016

Explaination of 5 general approches to motivation

1. Behavioral approach to motivation

  Behaviorism is the theoretical perspective in which learning and behavior are described and explained in terms of stimulus-response relationships. The key assumptions of behaviorism are: The environment influences behavior.

2. Humanistic Approaches to Motivation

Abraham Mallow's theory is based on the concept that humans have basic needs that need to be met before moving up the pyramid to the next basic need, until eventually reaching 'self-actualization' as seen at the top of the pyramid in the diagram to the right.

Scial Relationships in motivation


Should provide the right amount of challenge in a positive environment and model  achievement  behavior.


 with high achievement standards will support student
achievement in others.


optimize achievement when they provide challenging
tasks in a supportive environment.

There are five general approches to motivation

They are:

1. Behavioral approach to motivation
2. Humanistic Approaches to Motivation
3. Cognitive approaches to motivation
4. Social cognitive theory
5. Sociocultural conception of motivation

Definition of motivation

Definition of motivation

Motivation is defined as an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior.